I’ve just spent a few days in Noosa, not sunning myself, but facilitating a strategy planning day for a group of exceptional leaders. The backdrop was Makepeace Island, and there were a number of familiar faces in the crowd.
The client was my former CEO from Swisse Wellness, Radek Sali, an outstanding leader, who empowers his people, and now leads a group of successful companies under his, and his co-founder Adam Gregory’s umbrella fund, Light Warrior.
“Rad” is a values driven leader, and he has always put culture at the centre of everything he touches. Spending the day with Radek again, it reminded me how much he leads by example, reinforcing his organisational values through his actions.
And this is the key.
In my book Purpose, Passion & Performance I write about the importance of living your values to truly influence culture.
“For values to be lived and to truly influence culture they must be demonstrated at every touchpoint of your employees’ experience.”
By creating an environment where your people can live your organisational values at each step of their journey, and by demonstrating these values by creating the processes and the framework to transition employees through this lifecycle, organisations will get the most out of their people, whist they are with the business, and beyond.
In time they may also be your greatest recruiter, sharing their stories of belonging in a high-performance organisation, and who knows, in time your paths may even cross again?
Are you living your organisational values at each step of your employee’s journey?
It’s a good question to stop and reflect on.
And if you’re in Sydney – come and join me for a FREE brekky event on 20 July where I will show you how you can “Amplify Your Culture – find out what it takes to drive engagement and sustain passion in your organisation” at the lovely offices of Gilbert & Tobin in Barangaroo.
SYDNEY EVENT: Amplify Culture – Keynote breakfast event
DATE: Wednesday 20 July, 2022
TIME: 7am for 7.30am AEST presentation, followed by networking 8.30-8.45am
VENUE: Gilbert and Tobin Offices, Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers, 200 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo, Sydney
DESIGNED FOR: CEOs, C-Suite Executives, Directors & Founders, People & Culture Professionals
Hope to see you there!