I’ve been truly blessed in 2023 to have worked with many amazing people – business leaders who put people at the heart of their strategy and understand the value of investing in their teams.
At the end of every yoga class, my teacher used to share the same gratitude; “thank you for being my teachers”.
Dear clients, dear readers – I share the same sentiment with you. You are all my teachers. In every interaction, I learn more about what people need to be happy, healthy, high performers.
In my last blog post for 2023 – I’d like to some of the stories and insights I’ve gained through you this year and thank-you for your support.
If I could sum up what the focus for every leadership team I’ve worked with this year has been all about….
Some of the greatest professional moments of my life have been in rooms with these people; learning, sharing, and connecting on stuff that really matters.
I’ve partnered with the Pentana leadership team now for 7 years! This is their Global Leadership Team (the team who report to the executive) who, with the sponsorship of Rick Pinto – Sales Executive – have gone from strength to strength.
Just a few of the CitrusAd leadership team regrouping on strategy early in 2023, Brisbane.
The “future leaders” class of ’23 at Luxury Escapes – our second cohort of rising stars – who have just completed my INSPIRE leadership program.
Kicking off a Transform synergy program with the Solotel leadership team. The lovely Sarah Maxwell is a member of the team and an absolute gun on all things People & Culture.
I’m so lucky to work with wonderful Forums as part of my work with YPO. This Partner Forum and I spent a great afternoon talking all about values and a life well lived.
The Novozymes OneHealth leadership team gathered in Switzerland to reset culture intentions. It’s been an honour to partner with this team over the last three years to coach them through a rapid growth phase.
The Sonar Leadership team, based in Denmark, kicked off a team synergy program early in 2023. We’re out having a celebration team dinner here after two days of building trust, openness and respect within this group.
CHICAGO! Novozymes OneHealth asked me to visit their US based subsidiary- Microbiome Labs – during their annual sales conference. Loved working with these two – Jordan Dow and Marie Brenoe to lead the team through a series of workshops to foster a stronger culture.
A fully energised, newly synergised Microbiome Labs sales leadership team as part of the Chicago sales conference.
The YPO Sydney Pacific Chapter Executive Committee – at the end of a planning session + dinner to set their intentions for the chapter this year. I’ve loved working with this exco for the past three years – they’re a super fun, super smart bunch.
The Solotel Leadership team being put through their paces on the Innovation Maze! This crew lead hospitality teams and great hospo experiences for customers. They’re super passionate and lots of fun.
A new forum – kicking off meeting #1 with this group of business superstars in Sydney.
The Vidian Glass Leadership Team – kicking off a new Team synergy program with this crew – getting ready for our 360-degree feedback process.
The Novozymes OneHealth top 30 leaders jumping for joy after a week-long culture immersion in Denmark. We successfully navigated a hybrid conference with almost half the group dialling in from countries around the world.
Amazing to give a talk at the launch of the new purpose and ambition for City of Canterbury Bankstown in Sydney with CEO, Matthew Stewart.
Tammy Kokkinos is the P&C executive at Pentana Solutions – we’re enjoying a day of learning and connecting at the Human Synergistics conference in Melbourne.
The Candlefox leadership team – at the end of a 2-day strategy and planning event in Melbourne – getting pretty excited for their year ahead!
AICD Graduation event with my fellow graduates in Melbourne! These legends are all set to make waves as company directors.
The Hatched leadership team spent a day together to rethink how they realise synergies across their Melb & Syd based teams.
A little bit of a lie down! Taking rest on retreat with the wonderful Lisa O’Neil at the Coromandel in New Zealand.
Have a safe and happy holiday season, I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings!!