Another element I consider in my RE-IGNITE Keynote is that of LEAD SELF. This asks the question of leaders and employees – will you be a participant or passenger in this post COVID era?
How we lead ourselves, really all comes down to whether or not we are participating in our own career growth.
Empowerment is a double-edged sword.
Our leaders, our bosses, our managers can give us ownership, accountability, and authority. But as employees, we need to take that opportunity. We need to own our own accountability. And that’s what being a participant is all about.
It means leading from your level, everyone is a leader in a business. You don’t need a job title to affirm whether or not you are or aren’t a leader. Leaders take responsibility and drive change, drive their own agendas from their own levels. They create followers.
– Know what you want
– know how you add value
– understand what the business objectives are, what the business vision is, and how you fit into that.
– bring your strengths
– be a role model. Be somebody who really lives and breathes the values of the organisation.
By doing these things, you make yourself an absolute asset to the organisation.
You’re bettering your own skills and opportunities, but you’re also supporting the business.
If you want to have conversations with your people about this, my 90 minute RE-IGNITE keynote presentation provides the context for that conversation. And more importantly, helps your people and yourself understand where you have choices to drive your own career.
Click for more information or to book your Re-IGNITE Keynote now