What happens when you look into a crystal ball?
You see a warped image of the world reflected right back at you.
Strategy creation is a bit like this.
It is a process of leveraging what you already know (which is limited and filtered based on your own values and beliefs) and projecting it into the future; an unpredictable space.
No one can see into the future. The best we can do is imagine our best future and make best guesses about how to get there, based on existing facts trends in data.
So why bother? Why not just put a single statement at the top of your business plan…?
Use common sense!
The strategy creation process is just as important as the plan itself. A large part of strategy creation is the facilitation of the coming together of multiple viewpoints. It’s about finding common ground, testing that we are all talking about the same thing, and agreeing on how we are going to work together to get there.
As we near the end of the financial year and the beginning of a new one – many businesses are engaging in their annual process of planning and budgeting for the year ahead. Given the complexities of the current circumstances, how can you maximise your chances of creating a strategic plan that not only keeps your business safe, but aligns the whole team?
To support your strategy creation process – get two things right.
Strategy creation is a process of listening to all these different view points and extracting the simple truths that everyone is willing to agree on.
All of that can then be consolidated onto a 1-page plan (perhaps 2 sides of one page!) from which all departmental and individual goals cascade.
If you need help facilitating an effective strategy creation process this financial year, I can help.