Today I take off for Copenhagen, Denmark, to work with the Global Leadership Team at Novozymes OneHealth. EXCITED!
I’ve been working remotely with this team for several months, but this November it feels like Australia is finally catching up to the rest of the world. There will be leaders from across Europe and the USA all flying in – where I will lead a week-long leadership and culture immersion – working with the results of Human Synergistics psychometric testing – to amplify the very best parts of their culture.
I’ve done this many times before and seen the positive results that feedback can have on culture. When leaders are willing to lean into discomfort, be vulnerable, and show empathy, it can be enlightening and empowering for all.
What I am looking forward to most is exchanging ideas and having face-to-face conversations with people from around the world. It’s been too long!
All this has got me thinking.
As we in Australia emerge from pandemic haze, it has never been more important to RE-IGNITE our teams and our businesses. It’s great that this global bio-tech believes in my methods and is bringing me over to have these conversations.
When I return from my travels I will be launching a new Keynote event series to support business leaders to RE-IGNITE their organisation’s connection to purpose, RE-ENGAGE their people and RE-ALIGN their organisational performance expectations.
Following two years of disruption to the way we live and work, this keynote will give business leaders the platform to have conversations with their people about how we effectively navigate in a post-pandemic era.
More on this to come – but for now – time to fasten my seatbelt!