As part of the research for my book – Purpose, Passion & Performance – How systems for leadership, culture and strategy drive the 3Ps of high performing organisations – I interviewed Jamie Cook, a recent client and one of three founding partners of Stone & Wood Brewing Company, who was recently in the news, for selling their ‘little, independent’ Byron Bay brewery to Lion – for $500m. Well done Gentlemen!
It’s a good time to reflect on how Stone & Wood built their business, what was the foundation to their success and understand what they prioritised in the early days, when Stone & Wood was just a bunch of good mates with a passion for great beer, community and wanted to build something which was unique and lasting.
When I sat down with Jamie over two years ago and asked him about how he and his co-founders inspired high performance, he communicated the importance of starting with a clear purpose.
“So very early days, when we developed our purpose statement, which was very much around establishing a sustainable brewing business that develops, embraces and adds value to its communities, and that being all of the communities (stakeholders) surrounding the business,” said Cook.
To maintain a high performance culture, Jamie also stressed the importance of setting high benchmarks.
“I guess you’ve got to be a little bit of an attention to detail freak and set high standards. I’ve had feedback over the years, you’re a tough taskmaster or you set high standards, but at the end of the day, if you don’t do that, then you don’t create a great business, in my view.”
“So yeah, just good enough isn’t good enough. And I think people have that same perspective in the business.”
Stone & Wood is a clear success story. And the Founders legacy will not be only great beer and regional jobs, but they have also developed incredible people – people who met the standard, raised the bar, and set the new benchmark.
In my book Purpose, Passion & Performance – How systems for leadership, culture and strategy drive the 3Ps of high performing organisations – I explain that for standards to be effective, we must both role model the standards expected and explain them in clear, measurable terms.
Purpose, Passion & Performance: CHAPTER 15
If you’d like to know more about how to embed systems into your business that drive high performance outcomes – please contact me for a chat.